Java copy-on-write collections
Along with ConcurrentHashMap,
Java 5 introduces a copy-on-write implementation of a list: CopyOnWriteArrayList. It also introduces CopyOnWriteArraySet, essentially a convenience wrapper around the list.
An instance of CopyOnWriteArrayList behaves as a List implementation
that allows multiple concurrent reads, and for reads to occur concurrently with a write.
The way it does this is to make a brand new copy of the list every time it is altered.
- Reads do not block, and effectively pay only the cost of a volatile read;
- Writes do not block reads (or vice versa), but only one write
can occur at once;
- Unlike ConcurrentHashMap, write operations that write or access multiple
elements in the list (such as addAll(), retainAll()) will be
During a write operation, the array must be locked completely against other writes.
(The standard implementation uses a ReentrantLock.) However, this does mean
that as mentioned, operations affecting multiple locations can be atomic. That is,
if one thread adds several items to the list with addAll() while another
thread calls size(), the thread reading the size will get a value that
either reflects or not the number of elements added in addAll(): there'll
be no possibility of an intermediate value returned (provided of course that these
are the only two threads accessing the list!).
CopyOnWriteArrayList is designed for cases where:
- reads hugely outnumber writes;
- the array is small (or writes are very infrequent);
- the caller genuinely needs the functionality of a list rather than an array.
The first two are fairly obvious: if too great, then either the size of the array or the frequency of
writes can outweigh the benefit of not synchrozing.
The last point is possibly more subtle, but
what it boils down to is this: if you only need the functionality of an array
(that is, you don't need the list to grow arbitrarily, you don't need inserts etc), then
the atomic array classes
generally give better throughput. To illustrate this, the following
graph shows overall throughput as we increase the number of reader threads
concurrently reading from random positions in a shared 20-element array of integers.
(There is always one writer thread, which continually writes to random positions.)
Each coloured line represents the test run on an array synchronized in a different
way. The "AtomicTest" array was an AtomicIntegerArray. The graph shows
that throughput is generally a little better with the atomic array (after all, it
is being used for what it was designed for).
On the other hand, what this graph also shows is that CopyOnWriteArrayList
still gives pretty good read throughput, and beats hands down any other method that
locks the array on every read.
Another class, CopyOnWriteArraySet is build on top of
CopyOnWriteArrayList. Like its list counterpart, it is designed for
cases where the set contains only a few elements and where reads greatly outnumber
writes. Note that the performance characteristics differ from HashSet
in a couple of ways:
- adding or looking for an element
in a CopyOnWriteArraySet entails scanning sequentially through the
array of elements to check if an equal element is present;
- with a HashSet, there's generally little performance
penalty for attempting to add an item already there; CopyOnWriteArraySet
is optimised for the case where the element isn't already
The second point comes from the fact that CopyOnWriteArraySet relies
on the putIfAbsent() method provided by
CopyOnWriteArrayList. This, as an atomic operation,
checks whether an equal element
is already in the list and adds it only if it is not. This method, and thus
the set implementation, has the subtle characteristic that a copy of the
array is made (and then thrown away) even if the item isn't added.
Of course, that doesn't make the already-present case any more expensive
than the not-present case, but it means that the already-present case isn't
generally much cheaper either. (Both cases also perform similarly with
HashSet, but with the latter class, both are generally much less
expensive since only a tiny subset of the set is scanned when inserting
or retrieving.)
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Editorial page content written by Neil Coffey. Copyright © Javamex UK 2021. All rights reserved.