For just "playing about" with your first servlet, you will probably find a cheap, default package to be sufficient. But if you intend to put your servlets and site to moderately serious use, then as a rough guide, I'd recommend at least the following for serving in the order of 100-200 thousand page views per day:
Many hosting companies give the illusion that having gigabytes of disk space is the important criterion, because this is a cheap resource that they can attach a large number to for marketing purposes. In reality, the more 'precious' resources of memory and CPU allocation are generally more important for servlet-based web sites (and indeed other dynamic sites). Most plans that give you a fair allocation of these will automatically give you enough traffic and disk space, though of course you should do a rough calculation to make sure you're getting what you need.
On the next page, we look at logistical issues of servlet installation to consider when choosing a servlet hosting company.
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