From BASIC to Java: an introduction to Java for BASIC programmers
If you're starting out with Java but have programmed in some variety
of BASIC before, this page outlines some major differences between the two.
When I talk about "versions of BASIC", I'm thinking mainly about the
varieties found on typical home computers in the 1980s. It's true that
later versions, notably Microsoft's Visual BASIC, actually break away from
some of the limitations of BASIC that I mention here (all though some
of the comparisons I make still hold).
It's probably fair to say that BASIC doesn't generally encourage much
structure, especially early versions of BASIC. A typical BASIC program consists
of a single, long program or file. In early versions, it was not uncommon
to use a GOTO command to jump to arbitrary points in the program.
At best, many have a GOSUB command or some way of jumping to
part of a program that will then jump "back" again after the subroutine
is completed. But there is often no formal way to organise a large BASIC program into
sections to deal with particular parts of the application, or
to deal with different types of data.
Many versions of BASIC provide no sophisticated means to organise data.
If you wanted a fixed-size list of variables of the same type, then an array
would just about do. For anything more sophisticated, e.g. a list of (x,y) coordinates,
clumsy workarounds had to be found such as having two arrays, with nothing
formal to link an x co-ordinate with its associated y co-ordinate. About the
most structured things got was the ability (e.g. in BBC BASIC) to declare an
array of "raw" bytes, into which you could put whatever group of data you wanted.
In Java, things are very much more structured. The whole language is thought
around the idea of structured pieces of data, accompanied by the
subroutines or methods that manipulate them. This combination of
data structure plus methods to manipulate it is called a class.
Classes can be extended. For example, you can create a
class to store and manipulate a 2D co-ordinate. Then you can extend this class
to deal with a 3D co-ordinate. In the latter class, you would generally need to
add only the "extra" data and methods that differentiate a 2D co-ordinate from
a 3D co-ordinate. This structured approach is generally what is meant by
object-oriented programming, and turns out to be a powerful
means of creating complex applications.
On the next page: From BASIC to Java:
procedural vs event-driven programming.
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Editorial page content written by Neil Coffey. Copyright © Javamex UK 2021. All rights reserved.