Spanish-English Computing Glossary (E)

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
edición nf (Comput) editing; (as menu title) "~" "edit"; operación de ~ edit, edit operation
editar vt (Comput) to edit
editor nm (Comput) editor; ~ de texto text editor; ~ hexadecimal hex editor
ejecución nf (Comput) execution; durante la ~ during execution; tiempo de ~ execution time
ejecutable a (Comput) executable code, file
ejecutar vt (Comput) to execute instructions; to run, execute a program
ejecutar vr (Comput) to run, be executed
elemento nm (Comput: in list, menu etc) item; una lista de ~s a list of items
elemento nm (Comput: in XML document etc) element; ~ vacío empty element
eliminación nf (Computing: of file, database entry, element in list) deletion
eliminar vt (Comput: from database) to delete data; ~se to be deleted
emergente a (Comput) menú ~ popup menu
empaquetar vt (Comput) to encapsulate, wrap up, wrap around, act as wrapper around; la clase ImageIcon empaqueta une imagen the ImageIcon class encapsulates (or) wraps up an image, the ImageIcon class acts as a wrapper around an image
empaquetar vt (Comput) to encapsulate, divide data into packets
empezar vi (Comput: of string) ~ por to begin with, start with; las filas que empiezan por una ~ determinada rows beginning with a particular substring
encadenamiento nm (Comput) chaining
enfocar vt (Comput) to give the focus to, highlight a component
enlazar vi (Comput) ~ con to link to a page, document
enlace nm (Comput: Internet) link; ~ entre páginas page link; saltar a un ~ to jump to a link
enlazador nm (Comput) linker
enmarcar vt (Comput) to sit either side of, demarcate, mark out; una etiqueta de comienzo y otra de fin para ~ el texto que va a ser formateado por ellas a start and end tag either side of the text to be formatted
encapsular vt (Comput) to encapsulate
ensamblador nm (Comput) lenguaje ~ assembly language, assembler; programa ~ assembler
entero a (Comput) integer value
entorno nm (Comput) environment; ~ de ventanas windowed environment
entorno nm ~ de desarrollo development environment; ~ de desarrollo integrado IDE, integrated development environment; desde un ~ de desarrollo from within a development environment
entrada nf (Comput: of data) entry, input; ~ de datos data entry, data input; control de ~ input, input field
entrada nf (Comput: to a procedure, program) entry; punto de ~ entry point; el punto de ~ a la aplicación es el método 'main' the application's entry point is the 'main' method, the entry point into the application is the 'main' method; parámetro de entrada entry parameter, parameter on entry
entrar n (Comput: key) enter; cuando se pulsa 'Entrar' when you press 'Enter'
enviar vt (Comput) to send a message, data; ~ un fichero a un ordenador remoto to send a file to a remote machine; (on web form) "~" "submit"
escaneo nm (Comput: on database) scan; ~ de tabla table scan; evitar ~s completos de tablas to avoid complete table scans
escribir vt (Comput) to write code, an application; escrito en Java written in Java
escribir vt (Comput: in text box, search field, on command line etc) to type, enter; si desea buscar información, puede ~ 'find' seguido de una palabra o una frase if you want to search for information, you can enter (or) type 'find' followed by a word or phrase
escribir vt (Comput: from program) to write data; ~ datos en una tabla to write data to a table
escritura nf (Comput) writing
escuchador nm (Comput) listener; ~ de eventos event listener
espacio nm (Comput: character) space; el campo se rellena con ~s the field is padded with spaces
espacio nm (Comput: in memory etc) space, memory (Infml); las variables que ocupan poco ~ variables taking up a small amount of space (or) memory
especificación nf (Comput) specification
especificado a (Comput) specified; no ~ unspecified; las columnas no especificadas reciben el valor null unspecified columns receive a null value
especificar vt (Comput) to specify; ~ la ruta donde se localiza la aplicación to specify the application directory
espera nf (Comput) wait, waiting; tiempo máximo de ~ maximum wait time
esquema nm (Comput) schema; ~ XML XML schema; (DB) ~ de la base de datos database schema
esqueleto nm (Comput) skeleton, shell; el ~ de una aplicación a skeleton application, an application shell, the shell of an application; * ~ de una página web skeleton web page
establecer vt (Comput) to establish, make a connection
establecer vt (Comput) to set up, configure appearance, settings; ~ la apariencia de los componentes to set up the look and feel of components
establecido a (Comput) configured, selected; la fuente establecida actualmente the current font, the currently configured (or) selected font, the current font setting
estado nm (Comput) state; tabla de transición de ~s state transition table
estándar a (Comput) standard; lenguaje ~ standard language
estándar nm (Comput) standard; el ~ XHTML the XHTML standard
estrella nf (Comput: symbol) star, asterisk
estructura nf (Comput: of hardware) architecture; * ~ de las computadoras computer architecture; ~ de las redes network architecture, networking architecture, network structure
estructura nf (Comput: of a program, organisation) structure; ~ de carpetas directory structure; ~ jerárquica hierarchical structure
estructurado a (Comput) structured program, programming
etiqueta nf (Comput: in window) label
etiqueta nf (Comput: in HTML etc) tag; ~ HTML HTML tag; ~ de apertura, ~ de comienzo opening tag, start tag; ~ de fin, ~ final closing tag, end tag; poner la ~ final to add an end tag
evento nm (Comput) event; conducido por ~s event-driven; responder a un ~ to respond to an event; cuando ocurre un ~ 'cerrar la ventana' when a 'window close' event occurs; * esculchador de ~s event listener; ~ de acción action event; ~ clic mouse click event
excepción nf (Comput: Java etc) exception; lanzar una ~ to throw an exception; lanzar una ~ IndexOutOfBoundsException to throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException
explorador nm (Comput) browser; ~ web web browser; ventana del ~ browser window
expresión nf (Comput) expression
extensión nf (Comput: of file) extension; fichero con ~ '.gif' file with a '.gif' extension, file with the extension '.gif'
externo a (Comput) external perhipheral
extremo nm (Comput: of block of memory) end; asignación de memoria por un extremo del ~ memory allocation (or) memory assignment from one end of the block

This Spanish-English computing glossary compiled by Neil Coffey.
Copyright © Javamex UK 2009. All rights reserved.

Latest revision: 14 June 2009.