Spanish-English Computing Glossary (D)

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
dato nm (Comput) data, piece of data
datos nmp (Comput) data; (window, program) aceptar ~s to take data input; una colección de ~ a collection of data;
debugging nm (Comput) debugging
declaración nf (Comput) declaration (of variables); ~ de tipo type declaration
decodificación nf (Comput: of instruction) decoding; ~ de la instrucción instruction decoding
demonio nm (Comput) daemon
depurado nm (Comput) debugging; obstaculizar el ~ de un programa to hinder debugging of a program
depurador nm (Comput) debugger
derivado a (Comput) derivative; ~ de derived from, extending; clase derivada subclass, extending class; una clase derivada de InputStream a subclass of InputStream, a class that extends InputStream, an extension of InputStream
derivar vi (Comput) ~ de to extend a class
desaconsejado a (Comput) deprecated method, function
desarrollador nm (Comput) developper
desarrollar vt (Comput) to develop; ~ una aplicación to develop an application
desarrollo nm (Comput) development; el ~ de aplicaciones application development
descarga nf (Comput) download
descargar vt (Comput, Internet) to download
descargar vt (Comput) to unload program, resources
descriptor nm (Comput) descriptor;
desechos nmp (Comput) garbage (mass); * recolección de ~ garbage collection
desensamblado nm (Comput) disassembly; el ~ de un programa disassembly of a program, program disassembly
desensamblador nm (Comput) disassembler
deshacer vt (Comput) to undo
desplagable a (Comput) drop-down, pull-down menu, list
desplazamiento nm (Comput) moving, movement (de, of); (involving mulitple objects) rearrangement; ~ de bloques block rearrangement
desplegar vt (Comput) to open, open up, pull down a menu
desplegar vt (Comput) to deploy software
despliegue nm (Comput) deployment; * (Java) descriptor de ~ deployment descriptor
destino nm (Comput: register etc) destination
destruir vt (Comput) to destroy an object, component
detener vt (Comput) to stop a service
devolver vt (Comput: of function, method) to return a value; ~ null to return null; ~ texto to return a textual result; ~ datos binarios to return a binary result; este método devuelve un objeto String this method returns a String (object); el valor devuelto por este método the value returned by this method
diagrama nm (Comput, Tech) diagram; en el ~ siguiente in the following diagram
dibujar vt (Comput) to paint, draw, render
difuso a (Comput) fuzzy logic, set
dinámico a (Comput) dynamic page
dirección nf (Comput: on network) address; ~ de Internet Internet address; ~ IP IP address, IP
dirección nf (Comput: of mouse, movement) direction
direccionamiento nm (Comput) addressing; ~ abierto open addressing
disco nm (Comput) disk; ~ duro, ~ rígido hard disk, hard drive; * ~ duro externo external hard disk; ~ rígido portátil portable hard drive, portable hard disk
diseñar vt (Comput) to design programs, interfaces
diseño nm (Comput: of interface components) layout; administrator de ~ layout manager; utilizar un ~ de tipo GridLayout to use a GridLayout
diseño nm (Comput: more generally) design; ~ de páginas web web page design
dispositivo nm (Comput) device; ~ móvil mobile device
documento nm (Comput) document; nombre del ~ document name; ~ HTML HTML document; ~ Word Word document
distribuido a (Comput) distributed object
dominio nm (Comput: Internet) domain; nombre de ~ domain name; ~ de nivel superior top-level domain
duplicado a (Comput) duplicate data, value, key; valor ~ duplicate, duplicate value; la columna no permite valores ~s the column does not allow duplicates

This Spanish-English computing glossary compiled by Neil Coffey.
Copyright © Javamex UK 2009. All rights reserved.

Latest revision: 14 June 2009.