Welcome to Javamex!

As author of the Java programming articles on the Javamex web site, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the site. Javamex is my attempt to gather together information on some of the more intricate aspects of Java programming, building on my experience with the language over the past 12 or so years. I hope you'll find the material enjoyable and informative.

As you read through, you'll see that many of the articles reflect a particular stance on programming. I should say right from the outset that it is a position that does not reflect that of some other programmers in today's industry. I'm amazed by the number of times programming questions are framed in terms of "which framework or library do I need" to perform a relatively straightforward task. My response is usually: "well, you know, you could always Write Some Code to do that...". Part of my aim in compiling the Javamex site is to explain How To Write The Code that some programmers shy away from, and which therefore doesn't get the coverage in the Java programming literature that I think it is due.

Feedback is always welcome on the articles already on the site, or on suggestions for new articles. Please leave feedback either at the Javamex community, or where appropriate on specific articles, on the Javamex blog.

Happy programming!

Neil Coffey
Javamex author

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